Sunday, February 12, 2017

To be a woman is to have a body that is not my own.

A possession

A temptation

My mind is a threat.

A woman's mind has the power to take back her freedom.

And what is a man? What is he without women? What is he, if he does not have a woman to procreate with?

To be with a woman is to be with Gaia herself. And man is killing Gaia.

My heart is a weapon.

A woman's heart has the ability to heal herself and others.

Who else will care for us without women?

But if a man could see

His place is not to be a woman's hero. She is her own.

She does not need to be hidden, but you can be her shield if she lets you.

It isn't to be her voice, but to fight for her voice to be heard.

It is to step out of the way and let her shine. It is to receive all her light and offer replenishment.

It is to offer strength, but not by force.

Let her waters flow freely and be in awe of the power of her flowing river. Receive the waves of glorious love. Only when the floodgates are let free will man see the beauty he had trapped behind the walls.

And to the men who are fearful of tearing down the damn: Know the strength behind that concrete will slowly erode and chip away, and the rage will destroy anything keeping her restrained.

Be the man that stops the damn from being erected. Fight to have the walls the restrain her released. And above everything: Let HER Be!